
Digitalising production processes

Digitales Röntgen IBC

SCHÄFER Container Systems is optimising quality assurance and investing in a digital x-ray machine

Neunkirchen, 30. March 2021. With the stationary ISOVOLT Titan series X-ray machine from General Electric, SCHÄFER Container Systems, manufacturer of beverage container systems, IBCs and customized containers, is making a significant addition to its quality assurance facilities. Switching from analogue to digital for the non-destructive testing of weld (NDT) enables more stringent quality control and is a further step in the transition towards a digital factory.

Shorter exposure times, the complete elimination of developer chemicals, a higher degree of automation and the significantly improved image quality persuaded SCHÄFER Container Systems to make the investment-intensive switch to the latest digital X-ray technology internally for NDT. SCHÄFER Container Systems will use this non-destructive test procedure to detect and make visible any unwanted contaminants, pores, cavities, cracks, incomplete welds and deviations in weld seam shape and dimensions in stainless steel IBCs and KEGs.

Digitales Röntgen IBC
X Ray chamber at SCHÄFER Container Systems

The new state-of-the-art X-ray machine has been installed at SCHÄFER Container Systems in a specially equipped shielded room to provide the required radiation protection. In the X-ray chamber, workpieces with external dimensions of up to 3,000 mm x 4,000 mm x 2,500 mm (width x depth x height) can undergo radiographic examination. To ensure the digital X-ray system is operated safely, SCHÄFER Container Systems had an employee trained as an X-ray specialist.

The main beneficiaries of this are all those customers whose individual quality and testing requirements are implemented, monitored and digitally logged seamlessly on site in the production plant. The efficiency gain can be quantitatively measured in terms of significantly reduced reaction times in production operations. Thanks to this digital imaging process, fully automatic image evaluation for defined fault characteristics is now possible – a notable milestone in the digitalisation of production processes.

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Christina Fuss

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Christof Ermert

+49 2735 787-578